It’s raining in Denver today- great for the grass and all of my tulips and bluebells (I know they are not bluebells- but that is what we call them- I have to preface that because I think it really bugs one member of our family that we have all sorts of made up names for flowers- these are actually grape hyacinths- but we call them bluebells) I planted last fall. Also good for trying to dig out from under the piles of laundry that have taken over the house! This morning Phoebe and I went to her school where they had a "gently used baby sale" - (makes it sound like folks who have given up on their crying babies are trading them in for quieter and sleepier versions!) Anyway- we were able to get an excer-saucer, a potty chair, a bath ring, clothes for both kids (not as many for the older child- since they just didn't have as much and also we have no idea what size he will be) books, toys, some shoes, spoons, a couple bibs, a couple crib sheets, a few blankets...all for about 37.00! And they are letting me go back at about 11:00 am to grab some shoes to bring to the orphanage!
One of the things that really struck me when watching the DVD of the older kids that CWA is working to place for adoption, was the fact that none of the kids had shoes...and the few that did were so worn out and full of holes. The part of Ethiopia we are adopting from is one of the poorest regions in the world. Some estimates call it the 3rd poorest region in the world. It is the poorest part of one of the poorest countries. Shoes are definitely a luxury. Here is a link to a brief article outlining Habitat for Humanity's efforts to bring housing to this incredibly poor region of Ethiopia.
I come to the thought time and time again about how much more we can all do, just in general. People say how good it is that Mark and I are doing this (we are either "good" or "crazy"! and often both...) but we really reap the rewards of our family. We saw that we can reach out to these families in another part of the world in a unique way. And in turn they are reaching back. We are forever making a connection to this place - Sodo- Wolaita. I have to run back to the baby sale and get the shoes!!! :) If you want to learn more about the older kids that are available for adoption you can check out this link:
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