My friend Maureen was visiting with him when she went to get her kids- - even she did not notice this extra finger- and she is holding his hands. I love this picture because Maureen is in it- we are very close and yet we have never met in person- but she has met my youngest two kids and our kids shared a home and nannies. Our 7 year olds share a birthday and our 9-year-old son's share a name and our oldest daughters were born within a month of each other. We were pregnant at the same time for all of our pregnancies, we were at the same St. Patrick’s Day Parade in Savannah GA in 1992, and we met through CWA- our adoption agency- because we were sending our dossiers in at the same time- we got our referrals on the same day. Our court dates were 4 days apart and our sons share the same given name. But we have never met- but these are her hands holding my youngest child's hands.

Here is Mark- this is when we first met Yabsera- our relationship is just minutes old in this photo- we were in the bedroom of our guest house just the 4 of us- Mark and I and Maren and Yabsera. It was very nice. And also a bit strange. :)

Here he is just the other day. He and Maren were finger painting. I wanted to get hand and foot prints for their memory boxes. It was messy and I probably shouldn't have tried it alone- there was paint everywhere. And I couldn't contain one child while I cleaned up the other. But they had fun and I got my footprint and hand prints!

Yabsera is starting to take steps! He finds this fun- but since he can crawl so fast- he is not that interested in walking to get from point A to point B yet- he likes it only for show right now- but it won't be long.
Yabsera's birthday is very soon. He will be 1. We think he is probably already one and will try and change his birthdate when we readopt him to reflect this. Sometimes we wonder if he is 1, or 4, 8, 15, 16, 23, or 42.
Soon it will be easier for me to answer when people ask how old he is- I will say he is 1...I will try hard not to correct myself and over explain why he may not be what I am saying he is. That has been hard for me- I think when he turns 1 - then he is 1...and that will be that.
WOnderful photos. What an adorable child!!
Mary, mom to many
What a bunch of cute pictures oyu have there. Priceless!
I am glad you experienced the painting alone. No I know what NOT to do! I love your updates! Very nicely said. God has been great with those I have become friends with through this process. Love, Sandra
What a beautiful child -- he fits right in with your other gorgeous kids!!
Last night I was lamenting how I sometimes feel helpless about the situation in Ethiopia and how it seems we have pulled a cup of water from the ocean. Then I look at our children and I think, well, one cup at a time, one cup at a time...
I just love looking at the pic of them in the bath. Such cute and happy boys. If we lived even marginally close I just know that Yabsera and Max would be great friends; they both have that easy smile....
I *Love* the bathtub picture. What beautiful children.
Loved talking with you the other day. Our Caleb has the same relationship as Cal has. It is so wonderful - isn't it. How funny that Yabsera had on the same orange pants that Asher wore to the Embassay. They are still in curiculation. What a wonderful little boy you have. Can't wait to see the birthday pictures!
You are so lucky to have such a beautiful family - love seeing the photos. It makes me want to hurry to finish all the adoption paperwork even more.
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