Here is our older son. We adopted him from Ethiopia through CWA in May 2006. He is very dramatic, as you can see, and the other day we decided to put together a bunch of his funny pictures- these are not even close to all of them - there are a lot...OK...I can't for the life of me get the captions to line up next to the pictures...so it will have to be like a game- you try and match the caption to the photo!

Here is when I first met the boys- I was so sleep deprived and we had arrived just 20 minutes earlier. they asked- "when do you want to meet the boys?" Where my husband replied, "As soon as possible!" And I am thinking...hmmmm...shower? Nap? Ok Ok! The boys!!! :)

This was taken on our lovely trip to Sodo...see the post "To Sodo with Love" for more pictures- this was the highlight of our trip and Maren still talks about it- just today he played that he was "Going to Sodo!" with his cars.

Here is Maren's favorite cousin. She went off to college this fall and he talks about "Carolyn College!" He insists she will come to his birthday party...but they live very far away...

Maren and his big sister...the other drama queen in the family.

This is one of my favorites. Its Maren asleep on the stairs. he was taking a nap...woke up...got this far and fell back asleep.

The worlds silliest and messiest eater award goes to.....many of our silly pictures are of chewed food in his mouth...I don't mean to take the shot- but he opens his mouth at the last minute.

One of the clues we had that our little guy was not three years old. His amazing ability to ride a scooter- teaching himself - almost overnight- he is really such a show off on it- can do it one footed for long stretches of sidewalk.

And even playing in the sand becomes a show....

He loves dressing up...he is mildly obssessed with the idea of Halloween. I got an Elmo costume at a tag sale and we can't get him to take it off.

And this was his first haircut in the U.S. He acted like he had never had one before....

Here he is right after his first haircut...
One of the pictures when we said, "Smile!" this is what he did....

He had a lot of fun with this thing...

One of the best pictures- Maren and his favorite human on the planet!!!
Maren got to interview Elmo on TV at the Children's Museum in Rochester NY.

Eating Thai food is almost as fun as eating Injera!

Maren loves his CD player...he is on his 2nd one...

How he re enacted eating his first dorito for mom.

And of course...the irish dancing wig must be tried on....
wonderful pix!!!!!!!
I can't wait to meet you and the family. All your children are beautiful. Your oldest daughter (if she hasn't already) is going to break hearts. What a great thing to see first thing. Love, Sandra
Love the many faces of Maren! He is such a cutie and looks like he is full of joy! Thanks for sharing more about his great personalities! How long did you wait to cut his hair? Great post.
Oh gosh Em...what a gorgeous (and hilarious!!!!!) kid. I laughed out loud at some of them, and Marcus keeps asking to look at them again.
What a hoot Maren is. :) You are one lucky Mama!!
Halelluiah! You updated your blog and what an update it was -- definitely worth the wait! I love the many faces of Maren. My only question is when do we get to see a picture of Elmo Maren?
BTW -- Max is more than slightly obsessed with Elmo himself. He has an Elmo balloon that is 60% deflated and swinging on its last gasp of helium above his highchair and when you say "Where's Elmo?" He pulls on the string so that it hits him in the face and he shrieks with delight. I don't know what in the world they put in the water at Sesame Street! LOL
He got his hair cut right before we had that huge Ethiopian Adoption picnic at our house- it was looking shaggy- we had been home nearly 2 months! And now he needs another cut!!!
Aww, what a precious little guy he is! Thanks so much for sharing him with us.
Man, he and Joseph would be best friends!!! I have never seen a kid eat messier EVER!!!! Keith keeps reminding me he is still getting used to the silverware. :) I am just still not used to a 4 year old, I mean a 2.5 year old :) eating spaghetti with two hands. Great pictures, thanks for sharing!
What a little nut! He's adorable -- thanks so much for sharing. Obviously, there's never a dull moment around your house!!
Cute kids!
I just wanted to share that our domestically adopted son (home at 6 weeks) was riding a bike w/ training wheels, including popping wheelies, as well as scootering at age 2. He popped wheelies so big that he fell on his back w/ the bike on top of him. :-)
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