Sunday, December 28, 2008

Our Year in Pictures!

This video starts with the Holiday season in 2007 and moves in time through 2008. It takes you through primary season, Easter, to Upstate NY, Lake City CO, Scotland, Atlanta, DC, NYC, back to Upstate NY and ends at home in Colorado with Thanksgiving and Christmas 2008. We had visitors from Denmark and Germany. We had an uncle show up three times in Denver and once in Scotland! We added a new baby to our extended family. Michael and Phoebe are learning Chinese at their school, Maddie has been in 3 plays- one in Scotland at the Fringe festival. Cal has played Soccer and started his film making program in middle school. Yabsera continues to make us laugh and shower us with his affection. Emily had a big surprise birthday party and friends and relatives came from far away to be with her. We feel very blessed by all of our friends and family.