This photo of Maren was taken in September of 2006 when he had been home in Colorado about 3 months.

This photo was taken of Maren about a year later. He has lost his two front teeth so I was taking pictures and then tonight I looked at the picture (taken about a month ago) and remembered this older "matching" picture (above).

I am amazed when I see pictures of him while he was still in Ethiopia or when he first came home. One thing I notice now but did not back then is how his body was somewhat out of proportion. His tiny legs and arms in comparison to his head and chest. It makes sense when you realize the deprivation he suffered. He remembers only eating potatoes and popcorn with his Uncle (Or grandpa or dad- who knows who the man was who cared for him before coming to CWA's care center in Sodo). But look at how he has grown. According to CWA records he is now just 4. But we are calling him 5 1/2 and we think he is closer to 7. But he fits very well in kindergarten, both with size and development. And Lord knows when he is nearly 40 he will be happy to be a younger age than he might really be! he really likes being 5! Note the length of his legs one year ago are about the length of just his calves now. The pants he was wearing a year ago - his 2 year old brother is now wearing!